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The Real Stars, by Ben Stein
Ben Steins Real Stars Book About The Book

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Is Barbra Streisand a star? Is Bruce Springsteen a star? Is Robert Altman a star? Are any of the Hollywood players who endlessly complain about America (and make $20 million per picture) and say that America is a racist, imperialist country a star? Ben Stein doesn't think so. He says that the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States of America and fight for our freedom while risking their lives for $1,500 a month are the real stars. He says the real stars are the ones who fight fires and fight crime and teach autistic children for modest wages.

When Ben wrote this in an online essay not too long ago, it became one of the most widely circulated pieces in the history of the Internet. Likewise, when Ben said that he had no idea who Nick and Jessica were and wondered why they got so much media attention, but that he knew for sure that there was no harm in Americans wishing each other Merry Christmas or hanging Christmas wreaths, and that as a Jew, he did not feel at all offended by the celebration of Christmas, his column was circulated to millions.

These columns have appeared in The New York Times, on CBS News, in The American Spectator, and on E! Online. Here, Ben has compiled them into a book of commentaries that will help you get your head on straight about what is important in our world today and what is nonsense. You will feel anger, joy, and sadness as you read these essays . . . and you are sure to learn something valuable from all of them.


Ben Stein is a long time supporter of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors and is a member of the TAPS Honorary Board. He can be seen talking about finance on Fox TV news every week. He is known to many as a movie and television personality, but has probably worked more in personal and corporate finance than anything else. He was one of the chief busters of the junk bond frauds of the 1980s, has been a long-time critic of corporate executives' self-dealing, and has written several self-help books about personal finance.


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