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Veterans Resources: “Hundreds of Disabled Veterans to Attend 30th Winter Sports Clinic” plus 1 more |
Posted: 04 Apr 2016 01:29 PM PDT
Nearly 400 disabled Veterans are hitting the slopes this week at the National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic in Snowmass Village, Colorado. The Clinic, sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and DAV (Disabled American Veterans), is the largest adaptive event of its kind in the world and will take place April 3 – […]
Hundreds of Disabled Veterans to Attend 30th Winter Sports Clinic is brought to you by Veterans Resources - A community for military veterans
Posted: 04 Apr 2016 08:39 AM PDT
They served together on more than 50 missions and three deployments in Afghanistan, during which they ate together, slept together, and fought together. Then, they were separated and each, coping in his own way with the hidden wounds of war, wondered if they see the other again. But thanks to American Humane Association, which has […]
Military Hero Dog Reunited With His Battle Buddy After Painful Separationis brought to you by Veterans Resources - A community for military veterans