1st Marine Division motto (Photo courtesy of The Marine Corps)
From the brawny and bold to the eloquent and patriotic, mottos serve as reminders of purpose, messages to outside forces, and sources of great pride for service members. Throughout the years, a few have come and gone, but many have withstood the test of time. Here are 20 of the most well-known military mottos in the United States Armed Forces.
1. Army: "This We'll Defend"
2. Coast Guard: "Semper Paratus" (Always Prepared)
3. Navy: "Non sibi sed patriae" (Not Self, but Country)
4. Marine Corps: "Semper Fidelis" (Always Faithful)
5. Air Force: "Aim High...Fly, Fight, Win"
6. Navy SEALs: "The only easy day was yesterday."
7. Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers: "So Others May Live"
8. National Guard of the United States: "Always Ready, Always There"
9. Army Rangers: "Sua Sponte" "Rangers lead the way!"
10. Air Force Pararescue: "That Others May Live"
11. Army Special Forces (Green Berets): "De Opresso Liber" (To Liberate The Oppressed; To Free From Oppression)
12. Air Force Combat Control: "First There"
13. Army National Guard: "You Can"
14. Army recruitment: “Army strong”
15. 1st Marine Division: “No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy”
16. 7th Bomb Wing: “MORS AB ALTO” (Death From Above)
17. 1st Special Operations Wing: “Any Time, Any Place”
18. 1st Fighter Wing: "Aut Vincere Aut Mori" (Conquer or Die)
19. Navy Divers: "We Dive the World Over"
20. 2nd Battalion 9th Marines: "Hell in a Helmet"